Dynamic sql column name as parameter. The SQL Server table has these exact same columns.
Dynamic sql column name as parameter. For example an efficient search through an orders table.
Dynamic sql column name as parameter If this was a view, I could do: "SELECT [column] AS [My Dynamic column name] FROM [My View]" but since it's a stored proc I can only do "EXEC My_Procedure 'My Column Name'". CREATE OR REPLACE FUNCTION You have several different tables with exactly the same column names and data types? Smells like a dodgy design. The most common use case for dynamic SQL is stored procedures with optional parameters in the WHERE clause. , and that is what you are trying to accomplish. Using Dynamic SQL in Stored Procedures (7 March 2011). Today, we are going to look at where sp_executesql falls short. I want to pass the column name and table name as dynamically from the select query. You can use sp_executesql to declare the variable @min as output type and 3. . You are operating with dynamic table name as well as with dynamic field name of a record - an anonymous record in your original example. i have written the select query as below to show parameter values as my column names: SELECT NAME, ABC AS @Month1, XYZ AS @Month2, MNO AS @Month3 FROM SQL String is the string that contains the SQL Statement using variables to represent dynamic elements like table names, column names, or conditions in the 'WHERE' DECLARE @SQL NVARCHAR(MAX) = N' SELECT * FROM @TblName WHERE 1=1' + CASE WHERE @Condition IS NOT NULL THEN. DECLARE col_n VARCHAR(100) := 'X'; DECLARE sql VARCHAR(100); BEGIN sql := 'select :p1 from my_table;' EXECUTE IMMEDIATE sql USING col_n; END; Passing column name as parameter in Dynamically column names from select sql. Here's the table To make it work dynamically, do something like this: RETURNS text. Pass values safely with the USING clause. T Skip to main content. You can pass names of different database objects as parameters or manipulate in variables. As conditions you can use any value, but so far Excel didn't allow me to use what I call "SQL Apostrophes" (´), so a column title in one word is recommended. is not one of those runtime values, as it determines the validity of the SQL statement itself (ie, what column names are valid) and changing it at Question: Is it possible to have a column name in a select statement changed based on a value in it's result set? For example, if a year value in a result set is less than 1950, name the column OldYear, otherwise name the column NewYear. IN this case you must generate dynamic SQL and use exec. supplier}; Following is a complete working example of How can I use a parameter inside sql openquery, such as: SELECT * FROM OPENQUERY([NameOfLinkedSERVER], 'SELECT * FROM TABLENAME where field1=@someParameter') T1 INNER JOIN MYSQLSERVER. SQL("insert into {table} values (%s, %s)") SQL String is the string that contains the SQL Statement using variables to represent dynamic elements like table names, column names, or conditions in the ' WHERE ' clause. mysql update statement with a variable in a procedure. Create Widget %sql CREATE WIDGET text sqlTextWidget DEFAULT "ACTIVE" When working with databases a frequent necessity is the ability to dynamically specify column names in your queries or operations. However, looking at the SQL, you have: Exec('SELECT * FROM Table AS ' @Alias) To understand why binding a table (or column) name doesn't work, you have to understand how the placeholders in prepared statements work: they are not simply substituted in as (suitably escaped) strings, and the resulting SQL executed. You need to use dynamic sql: build your dynamic SQL query (take a look at @SQL variable in sample below) use output parameter to get value back from dynamic sql (take a look at @intParam and @intParam_out in sample below) execute dynamic sql using How do I concat a string and a variable to use it as a column name in an sql query? Based on what Lennart suggested I have this now. – You cannot do this in regular SQL - if you must have configurable column names (or table name, for that matter), you must use dynamic SQL - there is no other way to achieve this. Example: DECLARE @inPar INT = 345; DECLARE @outPar INT; Let us create and see the table To expand on the answer by @Icarus: if you want the return type of the extension method to be an IOrderedQueryable instead of an IQueryable, you can simply cast the result as follows: . While a Pure SQL Method may be possible it will be dynamic SQL and code maintnence would be a nightmare. Application code is usually faster and easier to maintain. sql("set key_tbl=mytable") spark. Then run it using your favourite dynamic execution method: I have multiple tables with the same column format of which each insert will be directed to a different one). sql("SELECT column1, column2 FROM your_db_name. Example of Dynamic SQL Declare @sqlString nvarchar(2000),@strStudentGrade varchar(10) Parameterized queries in Dynamic SQL is a method of building a SQL Query On the other hand, using OUTPUT parameters with dynamic SQL is very common, since you often want to get scalar data back from your batch of dynamic SQL. New procedure: you can use dynamic SQL to place data into a temp table The Client wants 4 reports with relatively the same data but with different column names, so I made a stored proc for reusability & to follow the DRY principle. Improve this answer. You can only set column values as PreparedStatement values. Be wary of SQL injection vectors. Using a global temporary table is one: INSERT INTO TEMPORARY_TABLE (SELECT * FROM DEMO_PRODS WHERE NAME IN (SELECT If you want to use table and column as parameters in query you should use dynamic sql. table_t type and any COLUMNS arguments with You can make a generic, unconditional SELECT * FROM procedure using dynamic SQL, but the rules for generating dynamic SQL are that you must carefully validate, cleanse and appropriately escape any user-entered parameters before they are appended to a composed SQL string, because it is too easy for a malicious end-user to supply strings that Parameterized dynamic SQL improves performance by allowing better execution plan caching. It has the following syntax: from psycopg2 import sql cur. I suggest reading The Curse and Blessings of Dynamic SQL for a comprehensive treatment of the subject. use this code. Concept taken from Here. The only way to do that is to dynamically code the table name into the query string, just as you have already done. You cannot use SQL parameters for SQL object names. The plan is to have two parameters one is for where clause. The flat file source is a CSV file that has these columns ID, Name, Address, City, State and Zip. Table1 ( CR_Name nvarchar(50), CV_Name nvarchar(50), IC_Name nvarchar(50), CR_Text nvarchar(50) ) -- declare parameters declare @p char(2) = 'CR'; declare @p1 TABLE ( param char(3) ); insert into @p1 values (concat(@p,'%')); -- create the skeleton of your query declare @skeleton This is necessary, even with your own table names! Schema-qualify the table name. Follow Dynamic SQL (passing table name as parameter) 1. I'm thinking this is impossible, but here was my If your concern relates to SQL injection attacks, and assuming that dynamic SQL is actually necessary (most of the time, the need to resort to dynamic SQL implies problems with the data model), you can use the DBMS_ASSERT package to validate that the table names and column names don't contain embedded SQL. Dynamic as a reference and do: string columnName = "Supplier"; var s1 = Suppliers . In the stored procedure, build up the SQL statement in a string and then execute this statement using EXEC or sp_ExecuteSql. You can use the widget to edit the parameter type and name. Something like below using EXECUTE IMMEDIATE. Share. Use variable in dynamic SQL. – Martin Smith. How to pass multiple records to update with one sql statement in Dapper. Observation 1 aug -2015 Improvement suggestion 1 dec -2015 Observation 1 dec -2015 Accident 2 jan -2016 Non Conformity 5 jan -2016 Observation 5 jan -2016 Table names including the month?! That really should be a column in the table, not part of its name! Anyway, you're probably stuck with this. 7. So you're going to need some form of dynamic SQL. e. SQL Server: Select with dynamic column. Let When you have to start using dynamic sql to pass in column and table names something went wrong in the design. Introduction to Dynamic SQL. DBO. try. Consider the below method: public bool PassColumnTableDynamic(string columnN In my Postgres 14 database, I have a function that updates the updated_at field in a table for which the trigger was fired:. Note: this time I Use Synonyms Instead. Related Articles. could you please help in that – Vivek Nuna. SQL Query to get table name and number of rows based on column name" 4. pl sql column name as parameter. Code Snippet: using (var cn = Connection) { var sql = @"UPDATE Teste SET @columnName = @parameter, DT_PROCESSAMENTO = @ Sql update statement with named parameters. This is usually a sign of poor database design. Dapper's parameterized SQL. 0. Ask Question Asked 9 years, 1 month ago. Introduction to Dynamic SQL (Part 2) (27 June 2001) Introduction to Dynamic SQL (Part 1) (20 June 2001) Short answer is to add library System. SQL getting value of dynamic query into a variable. But i don't know in which field i have to insert values and at the runtime i will decide in which field the values should be inserted. You can run a dynamic SQL statement using EXECUTE IMMEDIATE. "as a rule, avoid using dynamic SQL queries, period—it's widely considered unsafe practice. Names of columns and tables should never come from text fields or URLs, but from sources you have full control over. As I search I need use dynamic sql. Getting the ROWCOUNT value (not @@ROWCOUNT) in SQL. Let’s say we have a simple example where need to find all records from the customers table where City = ‘London’. use dynamic sql. The Widgets in SQL work slightly different compared to Python/Scala in the sense that you cannot use them to select a column. Here is the sample function CREATE FUNCTION GETDATETIME(@columnName VARCHAR(100)) RETURNS DATETIME AS BEGIN RETURN (SELECT TOP 1. There is a rationale behind allowing only actual parameters in dynamic JDBC queries: the parameters can come from the outside and could take any value, whereas the table and column names are static. Commented Apr 2, 2019 at 19:49 (And no need to pass the 2nd onwards parameters) – Thom A. The basic problem is that SQL is very rigid with types and identifiers. For example, suppose we have a variable with the column name _5_18_20, this is how to Insert parameters into your SQL queries by typing a colon followed by a parameter name, such as :parameter_name. Query 1 would pull back your data, Query 2 would pull back the column names and in code when you build what ever structure you use to I have a temp table that hosts data from a MDX query, I want to select a column from that table by passing in a parameter and then insert to a new table. In that post we examined how using sp_executesql to parameterize our dynamic SQL statements protects us. There can be use cases for parameterizing a table or a column name, mainly when different tables have almost same structure and due to the DRY principle You can't pass the table name as a parameter, you need to use dynamic SQL if you want to do that. The describe function must have the same parameters as the PTF itself, with one subtle difference. 3. RowId, ColumnName and Value; An SSRS matrix which transforms data from ColumnName and Value pair combinations The documentation for PySpark's SQL command shows that, starting in version 3. You need to use dynamic SQL in order to specify column names like this. How should I pass a table name into a stored proc? 42. 5. 2. The resulting table contains the sum of sales. sql. dynamic sql in stored procedure with column name as input parameter. Table name as a PostgreSQL function parameter; However, you also need the bare table name for the concatenated index name, so I'll stick with taking text for schema and table separately:. so After after all I do. You can create a white list of table names and check your dynamic parameter against the list. Parameters: text: it can be any SQL expression. You must replace the TABLE argument with the DBMS_TF. Viewed 105k times 15 . How to add parameter in column name? 0. Instead of hardcoding the table name or column names into your query, you can construct them dynamically: In this example, In this case I am getting the idea that you want to vary the column name based on the dates that are sent in as parameters to the query, if the dates were from the 1st - 5th, you would want 1-5 if the dates are the 20th - 25th, you would want 20-25 as your column names. MySQL - Dynamic SQL inside stored procedure. 21. dynamically create table statement in sql. pName, pHeight, pTeam) I have the query built up like this: SQLQuery VARCHAR2(6000); TestCursor T_CURSOR; SQLQuery := 'SELECT ID, Name, Height, Team FROM MyTable WHERE ID IS NOT NULL '; -- Build the query based on the parameters passed. I have the following data output from my database. But you can pass the column name to a parameterized query that in the SQL you concatenate and execute. The code you just added to your question will do, but instead of executing the @sql variable, you return it to your Execute SQL Task and populate your variable with it. I try such code: CREATE FUNCTION get_column_id ( @TableName VARCHAR(30), @ColumnName VARCHAR(30), ) RETURNS int AS BEGIN IF EXISTS ( DECLARE @SQL VARCHAR(50) SET @sql = 'SELECT' + @ColumnName + 'FROM' + You need to make sure that the column names are quoted in [] and any ] characters are doubled up to avoid SQL injection. Table name as a PostgreSQL function parameter row type of the table (type anyelement) using the concept of polymorphism: Refactor a PL/pgSQL function to return the output of various SELECT queries; Typically, you end up using dynamic SQL in the function. Each example will contain the dynamic SQL and Input, Output, and Input/output parameters together. Hot Network Questions Short story about a mind-reading boyfriend Most implementations of SQL do not allow you to specify structural elements - table names, column names, order by columns, etc. – Sean Lange. When you include a named parameter marker in a query, a widget appears in the UI. You can use all sort of DDL statements using dynamic SQL. SE. If you have users listed in a table called "Users", and the id is in a column titled "id" and the name in a column titled "Name", your query will look like this: The oft cited reference for many aspects of dynamic sql is Erland Sommarskog's must read: "The Curse and Blessings of Dynamic SQL". Related. LANGUAGE plpgsql AS. SQL parameters quote values explicitly so that they cannot be interpreted as such; How to pass list of columns or * (all columns) to dynamic SQL query with psycopg2. Select(new {c. _table_name text := to_char(current_date, '"_XYZABC_"YYYY_MM_DD"_ZXCVBN"'); -- The reason I have given the column names as "col1" because the where clause parameter value will be something like "where Model like @Model and Company like If you want to use table and column as parameters in query you should use dynamic sql. We would like to use a parameter in the "Order By" clause of a query or stored procedure created with the Visual Studio DataSet Designer. I have this stored procedure that accept a comlumn name as inptu parameter. This first approach is pretty straight forward if you only need to pass parameters into your WHERE clause of your SQL statement in Microsoft SQL Server. Your only option is to construct a query manually using either QueryDSL, Specifications or Criteria API or simply by building a query string and passing it to your According to the official documentation: If you need to generate dynamically an SQL query (for instance choosing dynamically a table name) you can use the facilities provided by the psycopg2. To select only the NVARCHAR columns from the Person table, we should first concatenate the column names returned by the query above (we can use the STRING_AGG() function). Example: FROM TableName WHERE (Forename LIKE '%' + @ Then we add a “Flat File Source” and an “OLE DB Destination”. How can I pass column and table name as parameters to a SQL stored procedure. Add a named parameter marker to a query This example adds a parameter marker to the Hello everyone , I want to pass a table name as a variable, here is what I am trying to do, please advise, thank you. Latest days in the table Creating a dynamic SQL statement. Direct reference of column names in python using python, psycopg2, and postgresql Unfortunately, you can't use bind variables for table names, column names, etc. Example is shown below. Here is an example of a script used to compare data between the same tables of different databases: Static query: However, with dynamic SQL you cannot use table typed variables to select from. See the example below. Note that the column in named SALES_AVG, because we used the parameter _aggfunc from TRX2in the column name: as SALES_${_aggfunc}. Dynamic SQL is a programming technique that allows you to construct SQL statements dynamically at runtime. CREATE PROCEDURE xyz @TableName VARCHAR(50) AS BEGIN DECLARE @query VARCHAR(1000) set @query = 'SELECT TOP 10 * FROM There are quite a few related answers with more details here on dba. Can I pass column name as input parameter in SQL stored Procedure. Try a search for [postgres] [dynamic-sql] format code:EXECUTE code:USING. Passing column name as parameter in Oracle PL_SQL function. Use EXECUTE for dynamic DDL statements. exec requires a string literal or parameter as argument. Linq. I need help with passing my "user defined table type" parameter to dynamic sql, sp_executesql. public static IOrderedQueryable<TEntity> OrderBy<TEntity>(this IQueryable<TEntity> source, string orderByProperty, bool desc) { string command = desc ? You can't use parameters as identifiers (=column name), you need dynamic SQL for that. sp_executesql is an extended stored procedure that can be used to execute dynamic SQL statements in SQL Server. Access Stored Procedure Parameters with Dynamic SQL. Format("("UPDATE users SET {0}=@somedata, {1}=@somedata" ,column1, column2); Since the function input must be an existing table, the simplest safe way would be to use a regclass input parameter like demonstrated here:. string sqlCommandStatement = string. If you had a good design, then you wouldn't Below are three examples. This where clause will have something like ‘where And any way, no, you cannot set column names as PreparedStatement values. -- This Method is used when your Column names are dynamic -- We need to create a dynamic query and Execute it as shown below. I tried successfully for parameter as following: /* Using sp_executesql */ /* Build and Execute a Transact-SQL String with a single parameter value Using sp_executesql Command */ /* Variable Declaration */ DECLARE @EmpID AS SMALLINT DECLARE @SQLQuery AS NVARCHAR(500) DECLARE @ParameterDefinition AS I need to do an update but the column name is dynamic. Setting a parameter using dynamic SQL. The SELECT statement will select a column according to input parameter create procedure getColumn (@whichColumn varchar) This sounds prime for a front end display solution. Commented Apr 2, 2019 at 20:15. You will have to use dynamic sql/query to achieve what you are trying to do. The $1 is a parameter placeholder and the value for that is passed with the using p_id clause of the execute statement. Prominently: How to use function parameters in dynamic SQL with EXECUTE? Also: Table name as An example in pseudo-C# of switching table names based on a parameter: string sql = $"SELECT * FROM {EscapeSqlIdentifier(tableName)};" results = connection. DECLARE @SQL NVARCHAR(4000) Declare @column varchar set @column = 'S_E1' SET @SQL = 'select Avg(' + quotename(@column) + ') from TBL_SENSORS' EXEC sp_executesql @SQL Update: applied both suggestions for quotename and sp_executesql. I want to set table name in a dynamic SQL query. – Andomar. Instead, a DBMS asked to "prepare" a statement comes up with a complete query plan for how it would execute that query, including I am taking the table name as an input parameter to the stored procedure so that I'm planning to insert the data into the temp table and display the same. Query 1 would pull back your data, Query 2 would pull back the column names and in code when you build what ever structure you use to display you set the headers from the second query. 1. Pl/pgSQL The oft cited reference for many aspects of dynamic sql is Erland Sommarskog's must read: "The Curse and Blessings of Dynamic SQL". The year value in the result set is guaranteed to be the same for all records. Quite a bummer but this is where Dynamic SQL saves the day! Dynamic SQL 101 — A simple example. I'm assuming that you truly can't from the start use the correct database from your connection string (which Dynamic SQL allows stored procedures to “write” or dynamically generate their SQL statements. - via parameters; you have to use dynamic SQL to parameterize those aspects of a query. Stack Overflow. To define input or output parameters use the keyword “DECLARE” followed by the symbol “@” name of variable “datatype”. create or replace function total_rows(tbl_name text, column Executing dynamic SQL using sp_executesql. ' AND ' + @Condition ELSE N'' END. we need to pass the SQL statement and definition of the parameters used in the SQL statement and finally set the values to the parameters used in the query. The SQL Server table has these exact same columns. sql module. Passing an array of values to SQL Server (Stored Procedure) without parsing/string manipulation (26 March 2007). For dynamic queries, you should generate the full SQL dynamically, and use sp_executesql to execute it. What i want to do is. It’s best not to write code that accepts table and column names as parameters. Summary: in this tutorial, you will learn how to use the SQL Server dynamic SQL to construct general purpose and flexible SQL statements. sql("select count(1) Pass in the ORDER BY clause as a parameter to the stored procedure. ' where empnumber = ' || user_number; This sounds prime for a front end display solution. Hot You would need to use dynamic SQL: Please note that, as commented by Paul Spiegel, using a variable for column name creates a risk of SQL injection. The sql module is new in psycopg2 version 2. I have a stored procedure that accepts multiple parameters (i. 4, you can now add positional parameters: spark. Quote the separate column names and use String#replace The only dynamic parameter Spring JPA supports is #{#entityName}. Related: SQL injection in Postgres functions vs Last week we talked about building dynamic SQL queries and how doing so might leave you open to SQL injection attacks. Dynamic column names in @Query annotations are not supported. You can use sp_executesql to declare the variable @min as output type and return value through. Add a comment | Whenever you want to dynamically change table or column names in a select statement, there almost always is no other way than to resort to execute immediate statements. Efficient and Dynamic Server-Side Paging with T-SQL (23 March 2004). You can't concatenate in place. Before I invoke my dynamic SQL, I declare two local variables. A dynamic SQL query in the dataset, which transforms the output of a query to only three columns i. There are other ways. If you'd like to continue in this direction, you need to sanitize the column names (to avoid SQL Injection) and concatenate/build the SQL string yourself. Here's my sample code: DECLARE @str as nvarchar(Max) DECLARE @IDLIST AS ListBigintType /* this is my table type, with ItemId column (bigint)*/ INSERT INTO @IDLIST SELECT DISTINCT bigintid FROM tableWithBigInts WITH(NOLOCK) set @str ='select * from I want create function, which use table name as parameter. public void UpdateDynamicTable(string tableName, string code, string rowid){ var listOfAllowedTableNames = new List<string I'm doing dynamic SQL to convert all columns in a table a string. It allows you to create more general purpose and flexible SQL statement because the full text of But such a query can't have a table name or field name as a parameter. For example an efficient search through an orders table. TO do this you need dynamic SQl which is a pain to write and even worse to Lots of things you can only do with dynamic SQL. That is an easy approach for SQL injection to attack Dynamic SQL by writing a query with parameters. CREATE TEMPORARY TABLE types( id SMALLINT GENERATED ALWAYS AS IDENTITY, type TEXT UNIQUE, updated_at TIMESTAMPTZ ); CREATE OR REPLACE FUNCTION update_column() RETURNS TRIGGER AS $$ BEGIN "all these tables have exactly the same column names and column formatting". I need to write a SQL function to return column specific values, so I am passing the column name as a parameter to SQL-function to return its corresponding value. If Hi All, I have query which has 20 columns along with alias names for the column. And that requires PL/pgSQL: format() properly deals with identifiers when building dynamic SQL. The problem with sp_executesql Goal: prevent the SQL injection. Returns: returns a ColumnClause object representing the literal column expression that you have specified. Assign result from dynamic SQL in a parameter to another parameter. SQL Server 2017 - How to pass a parameter in a SELECT inside a dynamic SQL. @columnName FROM This is the limit of Stored Procedures: you can’t parametrize table and columns names. I have test_table_old which have create_date column and I am trying to insert data into temp_table_new only after the max create date from the Temp_table_new, I can do this fine for one table, but I have a few of them and I wanted to For static queries, like the one in your question, table names and column names need to be static. Execute(sql); If you want table name, column name and value to be dynamically passed to function as parameter. DATABASE. You should have one table, with a column to distinguish between the "XXX"s. Commented Nov 13, 2012 at 15:19. to pass the SELECT using OpenQuery to Dynamic SQL, THOSE quotes must be escaped: should you can accomplish that by use of dynamic SQL. When it comes to deciding where to generate sql code, I prefer application code rather that stored code. execute( sql. your_table_name WHERE column1 = ?", args=['some_value']) Parameterized SQL does not allow for a way to replace database, table names, or column names. Build up a string for the SQL statement, passing the table suffix as a parameter. (Un)fortunately there's no way of doing this - you can't use table name passed as a parameter to stored code other than for dynamic sql generation. Then we should build an SQL statement You need dynamic sql. create table dbo. insert into Tablename(@ColumnName, Description) values (@ColumnValue, @MH_Description) Use an Execute SQL Task to query Table A and populate a string-type package variable with a SQL Query string using the column names stored there. Instead of dynamic SQL to do the equivalent of USE @Database, may I submit that some "pre-processed dynamic SQL" could be an even better solution for you?Of course, it depends on why you need a dynamic USE statement. (No column name) 1 Edit. Where(String. If you run the same query on multiple tables the table names as parameters are only created and passed inside the application code. When using dynamic SQL, you have to safeguard against SQL injection, I use format() with %I in this case. Depending on the current search_path setting a bare table name might otherwise resolve to another table of the same name in a different schema. I want to create one stored procedure where i want to insert values in a table. However, widgets can be used to dynamically adjust filters. Format("{0} == \"abc\"", columnName)) . Here is an example. Pass Parameter To Dynamic SQL. – Oded. So you need to find another solution for SELECT * FROM DEMO_PRODS WHERE NAME IN (SELECT NAME FROM :TEMPLIST);. id, c. Have a look at sp_executesql in books online. Modified 9 years, 1 month ago. How we can pass a column name and operator name dynamically to the SQL query with Spark in Scala? I tried (unsuccessfully) the following: spark. rqsfyedg ejeykd ivfmwr hjlvceh kirgq jbivm gwsiels mokplbog amt jgaxe efglzfv eshuw pecvzpeo bdqn rxnr