Rootstock apple trees for sale. Ideal for grafting ornamental apples onto.
Rootstock apple trees for sale Very resistant to fire blight, woolly apple aphid, and crown and root rot. However, the M9 tree will have fewer and thinner branches. Rootstocks need to be a compatible variety to form a Willamette Nurseries located in Oregon’s fertile Willamette Valley. Full sun. The advantage of M26 Lay the foundation for a thriving orchard with Raintree Nursery's premium apple rootstock. Wide soil adaptability. Free Fruit Tree Buyer's Guide. M27 Rootstocks can be grafted in early spring (February-March) or planted out and budded in early August. Featured. Very resistant to winter frost or damage. Approximate tree height, 3 metres when mature. Make Grandpa's your choice for fruit trees and useful information for your backyard orchard. Standard: Antonovka – 30′ maturity typically produces in 6-9 years*. Trees and fruit also vary with the soil. Skip to content Buy 1 Bareroot Tree, Get 2nd Bareroot Tree 30% off - use code 30%OFF (limits apply) Trees grown on this rootstock should be supported to reach their full fruiting potential. That makes it easier to grow fruit trees into your garden, orchard, or even a container. We’ve been growing high-quality rootstock and seedlings for fruit trees on our family farm in Gaston, Oregon since 1982. We ship nationwide and offer pickup for local customers. However, do not be misled into thinking that these apples are without problems. We are located in Oregon’s fertile Willamette Valley, halfway between the city of Portland and the Pacific Ocean, where our plants benefit from a climate ideally suited to growing rootstock. 40 Current price is: $29. Browse our selection of bare root apple trees for sale, including non-GMO apple trees that thrive in various climates. We offer cider apple trees on two rootstocks: MM106 – moderate vigour & M25 – vigorous. Produces a full dwarf tree (approx 35-40%% of standard). All apple trees need proper care and attention to produce quality fruit. Approximate tree height 2 metres when mature. EMLA 106 Rootstock Bundle $ 35. Produces trees of moderate vigour suitable for most situations producing trees of 4-5m (12-15') eventually. EMLA 111. Column ‘A'(yellow): Refers to estimated collectable scionwood quantity where NA is not available yet or trademarked. Rich loam will always make apple trees - or any trees - grow faster than heavy clay. $ 29. Price $5. Resistant to woolly apple aphid, fireblight and crown rot. The rootstock has a bearing on the overall height and vigour of the tree. 935 is an outstanding semi-dwarfing rootstock. Your APPLE ROOTSTOCK FOR SALE. Has a strong graft union and is replant tolerant. Our fruit trees are grafted onto different rootstocks. Cider apples Our apple trees, like many fruit trees, are propagated by grafting. The older varieties have been time-tested by many generations and offer those Conifer plugs are usually 15 trees/bundle. Dwarf apple rootstocks M9 rootstock. 22 Rootstock Bundle $ 35. Resistant to fireblight, powdery mildew, and root collar rot. Trees are relatively well anchored, but support is recommended on weak sites. This rootstock produces a tree about two-thirds (66%) the size of a standard tree. A Russian suckerless apple rootstock that produces a full-size, 25' to 35' tree. Order today & enjoy fresh, delicious apples! Tree Sizes and Rootstocks. You can graft and bud this high quality rootstocks with about 1/4″ diameter. Produces nearly full sized trees. Vigorous. The scion wood is grafted onto the rootstock and tells the tree which tree to grow. The apple trees for sale are some of the best apple trees to plant for deer and all wildlife. The subject of rootstocks for various fruit trees is generally too technical and truthfully not significant for the general consumer. It also produces large edible yellow apples if allowed to fruit. Experience to be successful growing apples in Zone 3 – 5; Pollination: Very Important. One Green World Catalog A cold-hardy Russian apple that grows true to seed. We do not sale rootstocks, but if you need small amount (less than 50), we will help you. Sale! Add to wishlist. Compatible scionwood for grafting is also available. 5709 . Cider apples Grow delicious apples in your backyard. MM106 Semi dwarfing-semi vigorous. Standard Apple Tree Rootstock 14-20ft+ Note: When planting trees on semi-standard rootstocks, you can plant them generally about 30 feet apart. After 10 years trees on V. This pays for taking apart the bundle, count out your trees, rebundling the leftovers, and labeling them as a partial bundle. On Sale! End of Season; Orchard Supplies & Harvesting Aids your shipping charges when ordering rootstock by itself as our shipping calculator does not calculate correctly for rootstock. Code: Free Blackberry Buy 5 Thornless Blackberry 4" Pot, Get 1 Free! Sale ends 3/2. This tree produces abundant attractive yellow apples with a white flesh which ripen late fall into early winter and can be used as a rootstock for standard-sized trees. The nursery at Grandpa's Orchard® offers a huge selection of varieties of apple, pear, cherry, peach, nectarine, apricot, plums and prunes on a diverse selection of rootstocks--- dwarf, semi-dwarf and semi-standard. Bud 9 (B9) is a dwarfing stock that produces a tree about 10 to 12 feet tall, needs support, produces at a younger age, is shorter lived and has some resistance to Apple trees for sale. We have a large selection of Northwest native plants, ornamental, and useful landscape trees. It is hardy to -35° F. These fungal infections are a common disease of apple trees, and particularly prevalent in damp soils. Other tabs have trees by rootstock available and all the other fruits (and ornamentals) I grow as well as my field layout. Bailey has been providing quality true to type rootstocks, seedlings, rooted cuttings, and potted liners to the nursery and fruit industry for over 30 years. well anchored, drought tolerant rootstock. 50 each for Grafting Grade. Excel: Use the ApplesScionwood tab-that covers scionwood and total trees for sale. 00 these trees are approximately ¾” caliper (diameter) and 6-8’ tall. ALL TREES (Spring 2025) ALL SCIONS ALL ROOTSTOCKS ALL MERCHANDISE. Apple Rootstocks. It produces burr knots at the base and should be planted almost up to the graft line. Small trees can be planted much closer together, allowing for more trees and greater variety in a small area. Can be planted as a food source for people and wildlife. The advantages of grafting onto rootstock are many, and include earlier fruiting, better yields and trees that are easier to manage and pick. Widely used by commercial orchards, and also ideal for the garden. A one-year whip is sometimes called a 'maiden'. You can order 1, 2, 50, or thousands of rootstocks. by removing any suckers or sprouts from the rootstock and downward-growing or broken branches. Somewhat susceptible to fire blight. 40. V. An apple variety on M9 rootstock will produce a tree approximately 35% of a seedling tree, a tree on Bud 9 will produce a tree approximately 40% of a seedling tree, a tree on M26 will produce a tree approximately 55% Fruit Trees, Scions, and Rootstocks for Apples, Pears, Cherries, Plums, Peaches, TOP NEWS Sudden Cider Tree Sale! All Fruit Trees Updated. Speak to an expert. You can shop our online inventory for apple, pear, peach, nectarine, cherry, plum, and apricot trees. ) Click drop down menu for size/availability Quantity Detailed Description: A vigorous, well anchored, drought tolerant rootstock. BUD 118 Semi-Standard Apple Rootstock. 0874; Contact; Guarantee; Geneva 935 Apple Rootstock dwarfs trees to 30-35% of standard height. ROOTSTOCKS: For those who choose to graft their own trees, the following rootstocks are available for spring shipments only. Long lived. Shipping Starts Next Month. Search. Description; Additional information; Description. 5-4. Consistency, quality, and availability of the most popular and leading genetics is a core component of our business. Produces a semi-dwarf apple tree from 11-16 feet tall. Mature height: Small, 6ft-10ft; Spacing: 3ft-7ft; Bearing age: 2-3 years; Staking: Permanent stake required; Suitable forms: Small centre leader / spindlebush, Cordons, oblique cordons, Small espalier / fan, The most important dwarf apple rootstock, planted worldwide. Trees on V. Our apple trees are perfect for home orchards. NOT appropriate for wildlife plots. B118 trees can handle sandy Article: in praise of the M27 rootstock. Produces large, yellow/green edible apple, similar to Granny Smith, if allowed to fruit. Buy 5 Thornless Blackberry 4" Pot, Get 1 Free! Sale ends 3/2. Apple Trees for Sale Cumbrian Fruit graft apple trees in partnership with SLOG and have a range available on different rootstocks - local heritage varieties, Northern and Scottish varieties and others that do well in Fruit Trees, Scions, and Rootstocks for Apples, Pears, Cherries, Plums, Peaches, and Nectarines If you want more trees than are available at the wholesale price (and there are trees available in the retail stock), you can elect to purchase additional trees at the retail price. Mature tree size may differ in other climates and growing conditions. We also grow several deciduous ornamental seedlings and cuttings Apple Tree Buyers Guide - Fans, Espaliers, Stepovers, Cordons and Supercolumns - Explanation of our Apple Tree Rootstocks : M27, M9, M26, M106, M111 and M25. Semi vigorous, Approximate height 3-4 metres when mature. We grow both clonal and seedling virus free fruit tree rootstock for apple cherry, pear, plum, and peach. We grow more than 1 million apple, pear, cherry, peach, plum, prune, apricot, and nectarine trees each year. These do also require staking. . We offer cider apple trees on two rootstocks: MM106 – moderate We are again offering a wide variety of apple trees for sale. 877. Please note there are many other rootstocks. Trees can begin bearing in 3-4 years. EMLA 111 is a good producing rootstock, is well anchored and tolerant of drought conditions. 99 – $45. tall but can easily be kept at a manageable height TOP NEWS Sudden Cider Tree Sale! All Fruit Trees Updated. EMLA 111 Bundle $ 35. Using such roots will produce a vigorous and fast-growing apple tree that will reach a mature height of 20’+. tough carrot like rooting system with good anchorage. Rootstocks not only determine the overall size, vigor, and precociousness of a tree but also what soil types it can grow in, its drought tolerance and how well anchored your tree will be. The trees size fruit well in a dry season. Requires support--- staking or trellising. The Bud 9 rootstock bundle is an apple tree rootstock. More Details. 40 SKU: rootant Category: Rootstocks Tag: rootstock-apple. [35-40% size of standard tree] Has good precocity and yield efficiency. 1-877-353-4028 Call Us Today! Apple Tree Rootstocks Dwarf: B9 – 8-10′ maturity, typically produces in 2-3 years*. We specialize in growing 200 varieties of custom-budded apple and pear fruit trees including cider and antique varieties, scab resistant, and crab apple pollinizers across multiple rootstocks. 349. Moreover, you can Fruit Trees, Scions, and Rootstocks for Apples, Pears, Cherries, Plums, Peaches, and Nectarines Sudden Cider Tree Sale! All Fruit Trees Updated. Buy Fruit Trees, Scions, and Rootstocks. Trees on Geneva 935 begin bearing early but staking is recommended as it is a shallow rooted rootstock. Rootstocks | Genus Malus | Rootstocks For Apple Fruit Trees For Sale | Buy Online. Your basket is currently empty! Miniature Apple Tree (M27 Rootstock), Dwarf Apple Tree (M9), Semi Vigorous Apple Tree (M26), Vigorous Apple Tree (M106), Very Vigorous Apple Tree (M25), Cordon Apple Tree M26 - EMLA 26- APPLE ROOTSTOCK (Malus sp. This rootstock controls tree size like a vigorous M 9 The EMLA 111 rootstock is an apple tree rootstock. EMLA 7 has a tendency to rootsucker. Van Well Nursery is a top supplier of fruit trees to commercial orchardists, wholesale and retail nurseries and the average backyard gardener. Pruning & Grafting Classes on the Farm! Our whole inventory of trees, scionwood, and rootstocks is listed for shipping in March and April! Apple trees for sale include; Coxes, Russets and Pippins. M26 Rootstocks can be grafted in early spring (February-March) or planted out and budded in early August. One of the most common techniques utilized in growing shrubs and Grafting onto this rootstock will grow to 30-35% of standard apple tree height. Also M27 Apple Rootstock is one of, if not the best rootstocks for container grown apples. The Wild Apple Trees for sale will produce an edible apple typically 2'' - 3'' in diameter, although I have seen many of these Reachables® Dwarf Fruit Trees produce full-sized fruits on smaller trees. You can also buy scionwood and rootstocks to make your own trees, or Improve your orchard and make harvest a breeze with mini, dwarfing, semi-dwarf. List of apple trees available on the M27 rootstock. 01366 386858. As fruit tree growers we offer for sale apple trees on different rootstocks from dwarf to vigorous to suit all situations. Cold hardy to zone 3 at least. Every Scionwood taken from one tree is genetically identical to other scions from the same tree. Order Apple Trees for Sale today! Skip to header Skip to search Skip to chat Skip to main content Skip to footer. Malus rootstock Bud 9 (Budagovsky 9) [35-40%]--- This is a very hardy apple rootstock that is gaining in popularity. The rootstocks offers many features including final height and grow rates, suckering, support needs, disease resistance, cold hardiness, and precocity (how early the tree can begin producing apples). Precocious. or call 336. Thanks to state-of-the-art rootstock technology, these trees stay manageable, allowing one person to prune, spray, net and harvest the tree—all while standing on the ground. All apples are grown on our fruit tree nursery. We have specialties in disease-resistant apples, cider apples, cold-hardy apples, and heirlooms. Can be kept even smaller with summer pruning. Visit our website or call us for more The Bud 118 rootstock bundle grows large apple trees (85-90% standard size), excels in cold climates, offers drought resistance. TOP NEWS Sudden Cider Tree Sale! All Fruit Trees Updated. M26 - Rootstock for Apple trees. Quick View. 397. The advantage of M26 dwarfing rootstocks is in ease of harvest and quick bearing. 00 Original price was: $35. M9. S WEB FIRST Online Orders Get Top Priority > Shop all products by category. February 22, 2022 at 5:34 pm . The For example, an apple tree on an M9 rootstock can grow to the same height as one grown on an MM106 rootstock with the appropriate care. if unpruned. 5' x 11-12' (1320-1037 trees/acre), and for vigorous cultivars it is 3. Ideal for grafting ornamental apples onto. Staking or trellising is recommended for all dwarfing rootstock. Please order by January for delivery in February - March. Vigorous scion varieties and better soils may grow up to three-quarter size (75%) or larger. GENEVA® 210 (G-210) G-210 is a semi-dwarf rootstock introduced by the rootstock program in Geneva, NY. The bare-root apple trees for sale are all grafted to the standard rootstock. M27 - Rootstock for Apple trees. Aside from the headache (paperwork and shipping) of importing and distance, we are very happy with our supplier's quality, and are happy to offer small scale an Regular price Sale Rootstock. Asparagus comes in 20’s; If you want a partial bundle, add $10per affected bundle. USDA Apple Rootstocks admin 2021-04-08T12:03:13-07:00. This rootstock has fiberous roots and does well in a wide variety of soils. Resistant to fire blight and Phytophthora but not woolly apple aphid. P. Standard size apple tree rootstocks make for a hardy and well anchored tree. Bud 9 Apple Rootstock is a dwarfing rootstock that dwarfs trees to 30-40% the size of a standard tree. Dwarf, Approximate height 2-2. M9 - Rootstock for Apple trees. Fruit Trees, Scions, and Rootstocks for Apples, Pears, Cherries, Plums, Peaches, TOP NEWS Sudden Cider Tree Sale! All Fruit Trees Updated. As with Apples the rootstock will dictate the eventual size of your Plum tree and how it responds to various growing conditions. Temporary staking is recommended but permanent staking is better. For grafting your own apples, you can buy five apple rootstock sizes: M27 (very dwarfing), M9 (dwarfing), M26 (semi-dwarfing), MM106 (semi-vigorous or "normal") and M25 (vigorous, which produces the largest apples trees). 5-3 metres when mature. Apples We have a wide selection of apple trees for sale. This grafted tree is attached to a standard, cold hardy, and vigorous root. There are two parts to an apple tree. In fact these rootstocks for sale can be used to grow dwarf to standard sized trees. 935 stands out for its productivity; it is highly precocious with a very high yield efficiency, and it also induces nice wide Fruit Trees, Scions, and Rootstocks for Apples, Pears, Cherries, Plums, Peaches, TOP NEWS Sudden Cider Tree Sale! All Fruit Trees Updated. Recommended high-density planting for weak-growing cultivars is 3-3. M116 apple rootstocks for sale. When ordered with trees, we can ship in the same box for no extra charges. Dwarf Bud 9 (Budagovsky 9) A low vigor rootstock producing a tree similar to, or slightly smaller than, M9-337 in size. Resistant to fire blight, crown rot and woolly apple aphid. Zone: 3-8 Habitat: Moist, well-drained soil. $ Looking to graft your own apple trees? We're happy to offer rootstock! While we have young stool beds growing, in the meantime we import rootstock from Oregon. 1 was included in the 1994 NC-140 dwarf apple rootstock trial at 25 locations in North America. Two Bud 9 Apple Rootstock. Reported to be resistant to collar rot, powdery mildew and apple scab. Deciduous plugs are usually 10 trees per bundle; Most Bare root stuff comes 25 per bundle. This tree can therefore gro Buy Online Quality Mail Order MM106 Rootstocks For Fruit Trees. 26 EMLA. This apple rootstock can be maintained at only four to six feet in height. 1-877-353-4028 Call Us Sale Items; Information. While disease resistance is now taken for granted when it comes to the Geneva rootstocks, G. Try your hand at apple propagation and make your own fruit trees. The mature height is likely to be around 3m or more in good conditions, and the tree Rootstocks; Orders or questions? contact David by email david@ centuryfarmorchards. Rootstocks: What you need to know. This standard M111-EMLA111- APPLE ROOTSTOCK (Malus sp. It is well suited for This rootstock will create a dwarf tree, typically 8-12 ft. Induces high productivity. ) This rootstock will create a dwarf tree, typically 8-12 ft. A rootstock controls the tree’s size, precocity, cold hardiness, and partly its disease resistance (such as fireblight). Bud 9 is widely tested and used commercially throughout the United States and is valued for its early precocity, winter M7 Apple Rootstock - EMLA 7 dwarfs trees to 65% of standard height, but can be kept smaller with summer pruning. Best on well-drained soil. To simplify the issue, Dwarf trees Apples We have a wide selection of apple trees for sale. Dolgo Rootstock is an excellent choice for wildlife trees because it produces a full-size 20′ to 30′ tree. Once the union of rootstock and scion wood is made, the selected variety grows up to become the tree. Geneva 41 Apple Rootstock 1/4 inch Slightly more dwarfing than Malling 9. However not ideal for North American growers because it is not particularly winter apple rootstock ‘Bud’ (B) series, short for Budagovsky, introduced from Byelorussian Experiment station, Michurinsk, Russia. 5 metres when mature. Select and buy dessert, culinary and cider apple tree varieties. Both parts are needed to replicate trees. Graft your own fruiting and ornamental trees to suit your garden space, soil type and climate. See pricing & grading, growing & shipping, and wholesale information. ALL TREES (Spring 2025) All Apple Rootstocks (Spring 2025) We offer many kinds of disease-resistant and traditional rootstocks. G. M111 creates a large semi dwarf tree 15-17 ft. The graft union is strong compared to that of G. B118 and M111 produce mature trees that are approximately 16' tall. Antonovka Apple Rootstock is a Russian apple rootstock that is exceptionally hardy, down to minus 50 degrees Farenheit! Antonovka is suckerless and produces a full sized tree, growing 25 to 35 feet. If you wish to graft your own fruit tree you will need a rootstock to graft onto. Choosing the Apple Rootstocks Rootstock are listed in order of vigor (size compared to a standard seedling tree). We specialize in unusual fruiting plants, trees, vines, and shrubs that produce edible nuts and fruits. Great compatability. Not compatible with Honeycrisp. Resistant to collar rot Produces a semi-standard heavy bearing, precocious, well anchored tree about 20 feet tall. Most widely used seedling apple for The Antonovka rootstock is an apple tree rootstock. A replacement for Malling 9 in high density plantings. The apple trees are available to buy as one year ‘maidens’ & some as a little taller two year trees ideal for training into different forms – bush trees, espaliers, cordons, etc. We ship the rootstocks starting in March until the end of May. Our bare root apple trees come in a variety of M-111 Apple Rootstock – EMLA 111 is one of the most vigorous and well-adapted of apple rootstocks, M-111 is a semi-standard tree reaching 80% of standard tree’s height, or 15-25 ft. Did you realize that you need to have two different apple trees in the same bloom season to pollinate your apple trees? Average pricing on our Bare Root Apple Trees is $29. This rootstock is an excellent choice for wildlife trees because it produces a full-size 20′ to 30′ tree. Apple trees on M7 root stock are approximately 12' tall when fully grown, and bear fruit sooner than trees grown on B118 or M111. Bloom group 3. Numbers under 5 MM106 - Rootstock for Apple trees. Rootstocks are despatched from January-April only. Browse our other rootstocks, our range of apple trees or the full variety of fruit trees. 26 EMLA and tree survival was excellent. TOP NEWS Sudden Cider Tree Sale! All Fruit Trees Updated. No ladders required! At Gurney's, we work with top This rootstock is a cross of Ottawa 3x Robusta 5 introduced by Cornell University/Geneva Apple Rootstock Breeding Program. Bud 118 Rootstock Bundle $ 35. Approximate tree height 4 metres when Burnt Ridge Nursery and Orchards is a family-owned farm. ROOTSTOCK FOR FREEDOM APPLE. Malus Dolgo does not sucker and is precocious. 1 produced few rootsuckers and burrknots and had cumulative yield and yield efficiency similar to M. It is very resistant to fire blight, replant disease, and woolly apple aphid damage. EMLA 26 Rootstock Bundle $ 35. Different rootstocks have different attributes in terms of site suitability, growing form ( do you want to have a go at creating an espalier or stepover), pl Modern apple trees consist of two parts: the Scionwood and Rootstock. Add to wishlist. Malus Dolgo rootstock is a rootstock for apple trees that is extremely cold hardy, tolerating temperatures well into Plant Hardiness Zone 3. M26 Semi dwarfing. Rootstocks are usually 8-10mm grade, the best size for grafting. We ship bare root and potted plants nationwide and offer order pick-up options for local customers. The rootstock can be planted out in the ground or grafted indoors and potted. Geneva® rootstock descriptions are based on New York growing conditions. For large orders and Our apple trees, like many fruit trees, are propagated by grafting. Trees produced are slightly larger than trees budded on M26. Note: for a standard-size tree (a tree grown to its full potential), one can graft onto almost any rootstock and plant the tree with the graft about two inches beneath the soil. Hardy to -50F. ZONE: 4-10 By September, these grafted trees are ready for sale as one-year whips (top). Rootstock for Apples. Can be prone to suckering. tom Wagner says: Modern apple trees consist of two parts: the Scionwood and the Rootstock. 1 were similar in size to M. is a cold hardy zone 4/5 russian rootstock series. Apple Rootstocks . Scionwood order deadline: February 21, 2025 Priority fulfillment deadline for trees: March 7, 2025 Final order deadline for trees: mid-spring, when we run out of stock Items from our perennial plants warehouse that were ordered on or before March 7 will ship around March 26 through late April, starting with warmer areas and finishing in colder areas. The scion is the fruiting part of the tree, which gives you the variety of the apple, and the rootstock, which influences the mature size and hardiness of the tree, and determines the time it takes for the tree to fruit. Suitable for producing bush trees where fruit is of a nice pickable height, cordons and espaliers with a number of tiers. Semi-Dwarf: M7 – 12-18′ maturity typically produces in 3-4 years*. 41. Pollination: Our Apple Trees are self-fertile Fruit Trees, Scions, and Rootstocks for Apples, Pears, Cherries, Plums, Peaches, TOP NEWS Sudden Cider Tree Sale! All Fruit Trees Updated. M27 Dwarfing. EMLA 111 produces a tree about two-thirds the size of a standard tree. M9 was one of the first modern apple rootstocks, released in 1917 as a specific classification of an old French "Paradise" rootstock called Jaune de Metz. Login. Trees are well anchored, widely adapted, and winter hardy. A good selection of varieties proven to yield in some of the toughest growing conditions. com. Semi dwarfing, Approximate height 2. Click to enlarge. 500 year old Russian apple group. Bud 9 is more winter hardy and EMLA 27 Apple Rootstock provides a strong foundation for apple trees, supporting robust growth and high-quality fruit production. 0' x 12-13' (1037-839 trees/acre). The ideal soil for growing apples is neutral or slightly acid, with reasonably-drained Maple Grove Nursery grows Apple, Pear, Cherry, Quince and Multi-Prunus rootstock. Widely adapted to light or heavy soils. ALL TREES (Spring 2025) Apple Rootstock M26 - EMLA 26- APPLE ROOTSTOCK (Malus sp. Trees in ground will require staking and extra watering as all truly dwarfing rootstocks do. Vigorous scion varieties and better soils may grow to three-quarter size or larger. Choose quality for healthy and productive trees. 00. Trees are available as bare-rooted one year ‘maiden’ trees. hsobrhgzsfrbrnnbnlsijxmjcwhailtmviotmxbalcappaekntlaidxxqnlypyjnahlipfefodlwlcr